10001 Nightmares Party

[Fic] whispering winters in autumn (Tight-rope)


In the end, Naoki supposes that he brought this upon himself.


For: Small Fandom Fest 33

Prompt: Tight-Rope (manga/OVA), Ryuunosuke/Naoki, the members of the Oohara group/assorted yakuza having a quiet (or not) delighted, relieved party when Naoki agrees (demands) to stay with Ryuunosuke ('the next boss' impulse control swore an oath to stay forever! WOO!')

Work Text:

Because Ryuunosuke is actually fairly predictable, he clings onto Naoki as they walk through the hallway, resting nearly his whole weight on Naoki's shoulders. Naoki, with the grace of somebody who's long since gotten used to things exactly like this, continues to walk on entirely uninterrupted. The crew of about fifty people discreetly following them step-by-step observe their every move, whispering between each other while Naoki ignores everything they say. This, too, he is fairly used to.

To put it kindly, they're not very subtle.

Naoki supposes that it makes sense; Ryuunosuke is a product of his upbringing, after all, and he must have gotten his utter lack of shame and inability to hide his feelings from somewhere. They're a lot alike, in that way—Ryuunosuke's feeling are just as loud as his dozens of 'brothers'.

As they turn a corner, there's a stampede behind them, followed by the sounds of multiple people falling on the floor and getting crushed beneath the weight of their compatriots. Naoki pinches the bridge of his nose for the briefest of seconds, his veneer of apathy momentarily breaking. Ryuunosuke tries to kiss his cheek, as they've stopped moving, and Naoki plants his hand on Ryuu's face and pushes him back. "Naoooo~" Ryuu whines in his ear, and when Naoki deigns to give him a spare moments attention, Ryuu lights up like a Christmas tree.

Naoki sighs again. "Not now," he says as somebody snaps a photo, the sound loud in the hallway, which is then followed by multiple people swearing and shushing each other. Naoki's eyebrow twitches and Ryuu blushes while giving the guys behind them a thumbs up.

They walk off again, and every single person they pass literally throws themselves out of their paths. Naoki has developed a pretty substantial eye-twitch by the time they reach a room that could be described as a common room. It's a hangout place, more than anything, and for once it's entirely devoid of people. Naoki glances at every nook and cranny but there really is nobody here and it's odd enough he murmurs, "Where is everybody, do you think?" to Ryuu.

Ryuu hums, hugging him tightly. They sit plastered together because Ryuu is still full of emotions and Naoki has learned which battles are worth fighting. "Naooo~" Ryuu lies down with his head on Naoki's lap, and Naoki brushes his fingers through the soft strands of hair. Ryuu's eyes shut, hie expression smoothing out into something resembling peace and against his wishes Naoki's heart skips a beat. It's really rather unfair, he thinks, how handsome Ryuu is. Even when he's blushing like a schoolgirl, when he's in the middle of a fight, when he's furious or when he's filled with so much joy he's bursting at the seams, he's always handsome. Unbearably so.

Sometimes, Naoki can hardly stand looking at him.

Somebody tries to sneak into the room while they're distracted, crawling along the floor until they get to a long line of cupboards along one of the walls. Naoki whistles, even though he objectively isn't any good it, to overpower the noises behind him so he can pretend that nothing is happening. His eyebrow twitches when something hits the floor, a clattering noise ringing out through the room and disturbing Ryuu's rest. Naoki closes Ryuu's eyes with his free hand, then pinches Ryuu's cheek just because he can. Ryuu pouts, but he's handsome even then so Naoki doesn't let go.

When the other noises in the room stop and the door has been shut again, Naoki exhales. He looks down at his... Ryuu. He looks down at his Ryuu and watches the eyelashes trembling, the long shadows they cast over Ryuu's cheeks, the gentle light washing over him from above. Gazes at the pink lips for a disconcertingly long moment, the movement of the eyelashes, eyes the hair falling over Ryuu's forehead.

"Nao?" Ryuu opens his eyes, gazing up at him, expression so open and trusting that Naoki aches. Down to his bones, reaching into his lungs, and he can't help but lean down and press a soft kiss to Ryuu's lips. He feels Ryuu's smile, a large hand land on his nape and pull him down further, tilting his head until the kiss is distinctly dirtier than Naoki had intended. In cold-blooded revenge, he thusly pinches Ryuu's side.

"Meanie!" Ryuu ends the kiss and pouts at him, bottom lip jutting out. It shouldn't be adorable, damn it.

Naoki says, "We should find your brothers before they do something stupid."

Ryuu rolls his eyes, pout diminishing when Naoki isn't paying him single-minded attention. "I guess," he drawls, eyebrows furrowing. But he tellingly doesn't move a muscle to get up, so Naoki rolls his eyes and pinches Ryuu's side again. This time, Ryuu does actually get up—amidst much grumbling.

"They're just throwing a party," Ryuu mutters as they head out, Naoki holding out his hand. Ryuu grins, then, grabbing it and squeezing it so tightly his bones scrape together. Naoki hides his grimace and continue to lead the way. He doesn't need to guess where the party is; there's a designated party room for all celebrations and, as expected, there's a guard on the look out who straightens when he spots them coming. He runs up to them. "Godaime!" he calls, trying to stand in their way to stall their progress.

Ryuu completely ignores him, pushing him out of the way. Naoki waves at him behind Ryuu's back, but the guy follows them all the way to the entrance. The preparations are almost done, Naoki notes. The banners are up, the alcohol is out, the cookies and cakes have been placed on a long table.

One of the guys hanging up the last banner—CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MARRIAGE—spots them and falls off the ladder, pointing at them like they're ghosts. It is, in Naoki's humble opinion, a rather severe overreaction.

"Son," Ryuu's father pops out of nowhere, putting a hand on Ryuu's shoulder. "I'm proud of you," he says, voice grave.

"Thanks," Ryuu chirps and walks off, dragging Naoki along to the cakes. Naoki tries to bow to Ryuu's dad as he goes but it's a little difficult and admittedly he doesn't try very hard. He spots his uncle while Ryuu's feeding him red velvet cake, and his uncle gives him a teary thumbs up. Naoki stares at him with the most expressionless face he can muster but sadly his uncle actually knows him and so all he does is pull out a professional-grade camera and start snapping pictures. Naoki ignores it after a moment, attention caught by Ryuu's hand as he gets another piece of cake on the sparkling spoon.

There's movement around them and for a moment he's entirely too distracted by Ryuu to pay it any attention whatsoever, but on the third bite of cake he finally tears his gaze off Ryuu and looks at the crowd. He recognizes every single person; he's know most of them for years. There's always someone in the background when he's with Ryuu and it's only recently that they've distanced themselves more when they're in public.

"Congratulations!" someone calls, the voice lost in the cacophony of cheers around them, about four cameras recording their every move. Ryuu's father is standing by Naoki's uncle, talking quietly while Ryuu's mother hovers in the background, a glowing smile on her pretty face. Naoki even spots his mother trying to sneak into the room—and utterly failing as multiple people greet her and show off the pictures they've taken, proud smiles all around. Somebody sets off party poppers, and someone else turns on deafeningly loud music, disco ball mysteriously appearing on the ceiling.

In the end, Naoki supposes that he brought this upon himself—he is the one that drank the wine first.

And it's a bond stronger than marriage, after all.


i'm fairly sure this didn't turn out the way the prompter intended. i'm sorry bows. but if you see this fic, i hope you still enjoyed it!

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#Fandom: Tight-rope #Post Type: Fic #Rating: Teen #Status: Complete #Tag: Fluff #WC: 1000-5000