10001 Nightmares Party

[Fic] wait for time (The Attic - A.M. Burrage)


Written for 3 Sentence Ficathon 2024.

Work Text:

Indeed, when Forbes stepped out onto the porch and saw the spreading orange on the horizon, the purplish tint of the sky, he let out a deep breath and rolled his shoulders in search of ease, crossing the distance to the pair of chairs set up beside the railing, Derek already there and deep into drawing something, huddled over the table; Forbes sat down across him and simply watched, for a moment, entirely content to simply observe the gentle twists of Derek's features; the little smile when he drew something he particularly liked the result of, the furrowing of his brows when he concentrated, the peek of his tongue when he erased something roughly.

Tilting his head back, Forbes said, "I have missed you quite a lot this week, I must confess," for Forbes had been working far too much lately, and had not seen nearly enough of the younger man; Derek glanced up at him over the block of paper, and smiled; it was one of those smiles that never failed to make Forbes breathless, and today was naturally no exception---too, Forbes saw the sun setting deeper and deeper behind him, coloring Derek's outline a gentle yellow, saw the orange bleeding out over the word; over the trees and meadows that neighbored their house, and he inhaled sharply, the air hitching in his throat---"Indeed, I missed you far too much," Forbes murmured, as well, needing to be truthful lest Derek tease him too much.

Derek placed down the block onto the rickety table and rested his chin on his hand, staring right at Forbes; slowly, he grinned; "I shall not lose any competition," he said, glancing over his shoulder at the sunset, "And rather I think you should simply surrender now, old chap, for I've no intention of doing so myself," and his eyes glittered so when the light struck them just right, knocking the veritable boots off Forbes---Forbes could no more look away than he could cease breathing of his own volition, and he merely shook his head, a fond breath falling from his lips, and Derek took it, indeed as he should, as the victory it was; Forbes' eyelashes fluttered for a moment while he fought to get his breathing in order, his heart skipping a few too many beats in his chest, and then he smiled at Derek, leaning forth to hold his hand; and he was blessed, indeed, that Derek allowed him this, gave him this, wanted this and that---that, Forbes should never not be in awe of.

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#Fandom: The Attic #Post Type: Fic #Rating: General #Status: Complete #Tags: Fluff #WC: 0-1000