10001 Nightmares Party

[Fic] thou shall not weep (The Attic - A.M. Burrage)


Forbes was so incredibly lucky, and he could not bear it, if he did something to push Derek away.


because there needs to be a sugar daddy fic and you can not convince me otherwise mhawhaha :DDD (warning for attempts at flirting. it's possible i don't know how flirting works, lol) (there is shocklngly little sugar daddying in this tho. oh well. i'll just have to try again! :D)

Work Text:

Upon catching sight of the necklace in the window, Forbes felt his breath catch. The small gems on in would look beautiful against Derek's skin, and he was already walking through the door before the thought had finished formulating in his head. It was not, particularity, that he bought Derek gifts often; in truth Forbes was not so financially fortunate as to be able to afford all the jewelry he'd like to buy for Derek, but made an effort to purchase the special ones. And this, with the silver chain and the beautiful red rubies, was certainly worth the price.

Upon reaching his home---a small house fit enough for two and not much more---Forbes slowed, the box with the necklace in his hand, and he stilled before the door, eyelids lowering. There was always, for no reason at all, a certain degree of apprehension when he had a new gift; always an irrational, illogical fear that Derek would not like it, would in fact dislike it, and that it might be the thing that made Derek leave.

Because Forbes was so lucky, was he not? So very lucky to have Derek in his life, to live with him, to have bought suits that enchanted his already magnificent beauty, jewelry that highlighted his eyes and his elegant hands and the long line of his throat. Forbes was so incredibly lucky, so lucky he could not believe when he sat down for breakfast in the morning  and Dérek joined him even thought Derek did not need to go to work for hours yet and could sleep, still.

Forbes was so incredibly lucky, and he could not bear it, if he did something to push Derek away.

But Derek stuck his head around the halls corner upon the sound of the door opening, and smiled at Forbes. There was flour on his cheek, and the smell of apples in the air. "You are late, old chap," Derek said, grin widening, and stepped into the hallway, proper. He swiped Forbes' hat straight off his head, and Forbes stared as Derek plopped it onto his own head, staring challengely into Forbes' eyes from below his dark eyelashes, and Forbes' breath caught in his throat, his hands tightening on the box.

"My apologies," said Forbes, and his voice was far too hoarse, his mouth dry and eyes wide, and his stomach swooped when Derek's grin grew salacious. IT was a beautiful expression; all of Derek's expressions were beautiful, truly. Breathtaking, in a way, and Forbes had only grown weaker for him since they had moved in together. He had no desire to regain his old resistance, the old wall that had allowed him to turn away from Derek, again at again, at every family gathering they met at over the years. Forbes had not precisely been unhappy, because he knew how to find joy where he desired it, in his work and his theater and his new football club.

He had not been unhappy. But it would be a lie to claim he was not much happier now, and he was selfish enough to want to hold on, to want to keep this.

"I have a gift for you," said Forbes once they'd returned to the kitchen and he'd watched Derek spend minutes poking at the apple pie, testing if it was cool enough to eat yet.

Derek raised his head, raising his eyebrows with it. His smile was already there, and it only grew wider,  now; he said, "Is that so? And here I thought that box was full of socks."

Huffing a laugh, Forbes picked up Derek's hand, delighted,  still, that he was able to have this. "It is not socks," he said, and his smile grew softer, corner of his eyes crinkling. "But it perhaps should be." And he put the box in the middle of the table, before Derek, breathlessly staring as Derek used his free hand to open it, the other clinging tight to Forbes's.

Derek's eyes widened. "Oh, Stanley," he said, and Forbes shuddered, as he always did when Derek said his name. Derek's eyes rose to meet his eyes, and they were wide and slightly wet, and Derek licked his lips. "Stanley, old chap, you really don't have to-"

"I want to," interrupted Forbes, for he would not allow there to be any doubt about this. He wanted to spoil Derek like he wanted nothing else but to love him, to care for him, to protect him. DErek deserved all this and the world, and it was to Forbes' great shame that he could not give him more. "I want to," he said once more, voice lowering, and kissed the knuckles of Derek's hand. His tough lingered, but Derek said not a word and did not pull back, and Forbes' next inhale was a shuddering, hitching beast of a thing, forced into stiff, aching lungs.

"Please," said Derek, and his voice broke at the end of, "Do not tease me so."

"Oh, if you knew my thoughts," whispered Forbes, rising to cross around the table and not letting an inch of Derek go. He pulled Derek up with him, and Derek went easy, swept into his embrace and allowing Forbes to hold him close, Derek's arms curling around his neck. "You would know I do not tease."

Derek laughed, and it sounded slightly wet, but then he drew back enough to gaze into Forbes' eyes. "So I do," he said, and smiled, tilting his head. His eyes glittered in the light from the lamps, and Forbes could hardly breathed as he gazed into them, his hands tightening on Derek, drawing him even closer. "You are a devious man, Stanley Forbes," said Derek, wetting his lips and fluttering his eyelashes. "A most devious gentleman."

"Only the best for you," Forbes attempted to purr, and utterly failed. Derek laughed, shaking in Forbes' arms, and shook his head with a wild grin.

"You are lucky I love you," Derek said, and Forbes's heart stopped the way it always did upon this declaration of Derek's. Yes, he thought, kissing Derek softly; he was lucky.

So incredibly lucky_._

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#Fandom: The Attic #Post Type: Fic #Rating: Teen #Status: Complete #Tag: Fluff #Tag: Sugar Daddy #WC: 1000-5000