10001 Nightmares Party

[Fic] doom and despair and other suitably dramatic words (Meet You at the Blossom)

The pain sinks into bones and makes a home there; a harsh kind of burrowing that tingles down his spine, under his tongue, behind his eyes. He breathes, and he can taste the agony on the air, the traces of settling into his throat, into his teeth and his marrow and the tips of his hair, and he can hardly stand to look at Huai'en, to think that this is what he's been reduced to and knowing Huai'en played a part in it.

To think, Jin Xiaobao is in love with him.

Doing his best to derisively sneer, Jin Xiaobao curls in on himself, flicking his gaze around the warm room and yet always, always, always it is drawn back to Huai'en.

Huai'en takes a step closer and Xiaobao scuttles back, the creaking of his joints loud in his own ears. "Xiaobao," Huai'en says, and he sounds unfairly... everything, Jin Xiaobao decides. He's unfairly everything; unfairly here, unfairly intruding back into his life, unfairly beautiful when Xiaobao feels like he's insides have been dragged out of him, leaving him an empty husk.

How could you, he thinks.

How could I, he thinks.

He turns away from Huai'en but even as he does it, he can feel Huai'en getting closer, can feel the waves of his intent upon the very air itself, can feel his eyes on the back of his neck, and he knows it's of no use. How could I, he thinks, and he doesn't have an answer. Only; why do I, again...

How could you, he thinks, make me fall in love with you?

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#Fandom: Meet You at the Blossom (TV) #Pairing: Jin Xiaobao/Zongzheng Huai'en #Post Type: Fic #Rating: General #Status: Complete #Tag: Whump #WC: 0-1000